Získate jeden HR systém pre celú HR agendu

Už žiadne iné nástroje. Sloneek obsahuje všetko, čo potrebujete k správe celej cesty zamestnancov i externistov.

Bez Sloneeka

  • Desiatky neprehľadných tabuliek
  • Príliš veľa administratívnych úloh
  • Neefektívne HR procesy
  • Obtiažna kontrola potrieb zamestnancov
  • Robustné a zastaralé HR riešenia

So Sloneekom 🐘

  • Nahradíte tabuľky modernou aplikáciou
  • Ušetrite čas na skutočne dôležitú prácu
  • Zrýchlite procesy s našľapaným systémom
  • Získate užívateľsky prívetivý a výkonný reporting
  • Získate jednoduché a moderné riešenie v cloude
To znie skvele. Chcem Sloneeka vyskúšať!
Vykazovanie práce
Zručnosti a výkon
Spokojnosť zamestnancov

Správa celého náboru v jednom  prostredí

  • Nastavenia fázy náboru
  • Spracovanie inzercie
  • Publikácia inzercie
  • Riadenie náboru
  • Talent pool
ATS_CZ (1)

Nástroje pre hladký onboarding vašich kolegov

  • Onboardingové šablóny
  • Zložka zamestnanca
  • Organizačná štruktúra
  • Evidencia pomôcok
  • Dokumenty a podpisovanie
  • Dochádzka a absencia

Prehľad o každej minúte práce aj voľna kolegov

  • Dochádzka a absencia
  • Plánovanie a sledovanie času
  • Schvaľovací workflow
  • Podklady pre fakturáciu
  • Reporting
Absence_Aktivity (1)

Produktivita aj rozvoj zručností kolegov

  • Riadenie pracovných zručností
  • Hodnotenie zručností
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Zníženie fluktuácie a zvýšenie produktivity

  • Wiki spoločnosti
  • Engagement dashboard
  • 360° hodnotenie
  • Zamestnanecké prieskumy
  • Schránka dôvery
  • Anonymné dotazníky

Ukončenie pracovného pomeru bez problémov

  • Šablóny pre offboarding
  • Odovzdávanie pomôcok
  • Podpis výstupných dokumentov

Sloneeka pre vás overilo už viac ako 2. 000 spokojných zákazníkov

Verified Reviewer
Our experience with Sloneek We've been using the Absence module since January this year, our overall experience is very good. Sloneek team makes frequent updates/upgrades adding new features based on clients' inputs. Sloneek's customer service reacts promptly to our queries. ☺Sloneek is a very user friendly application. The data conversion went very smoothly and quickly. We were able to start using the Absence Module of Sloneek within few days. It is very intuitive, there was no need of training for the users. ☹Just a few features we find less practical, but overall no negative experience.
Petra K.
Useful software for small and middle size companies ☺I love the customer oriented approach of Sloneek team. The implementation of software is easy and support is extra friendly - anytime we need to improve or change anything, we always get fast and proactive answer. System is easy to use, no long trainigs for employees needed. Sloneek is my favourite supplier, I always feel as a client. ☹Few times we experienced small bugs... but they were always fixed fast.
Silvie R.
Sloneek is a modern HR system with a kind and reliable support team. Sloneek and us got along pretty nicely, and even though we sometimes get cofused and need to solve a problems that come along, we like it. ☺We can realistically see and evaluate the employee attendance, including their absences. We have achieved a uniform register of assigned work assets. Employees appreciate the organisational structure and basic data about their colleagues as well as the easy way to apply/approve absence time. ☹Once in a while, we come across bugs that get us confused.
Petra H.
Pros and cons of the system ☺We use Sloneek for tracking time off and other absences and it works perfectly for us. The application is online, intuitive and easy to use. Customer support is really fast. We are planning to implement additional modules soon. I would recommend this software to anyone looking for easy to implement and use software. ☹I find the software to provide us with all the features I would expect from such software so I dont see any cons of the software at the moment.
Jiri V.
User-friendly and easy to implement ☺It is super easy to implement with many special features that are "cool" add ons. The feature of administering vacations for all employees is amazing and helps to keep a track of what is going on with absences in the company. They offer great customer support ☹We miss implementation to Outlook and some of the features are hard to adjust to our needs as it is "one size fits all"
Lukas S.
Easy nad helpful Easy to use and quick problem solving. ☺Easy integration, users friendly, many features. Updates reacting to current company needs and problems. ☹When we start using Slonnek couple years ago there were frequent updates, so it was little bit confusing.
Jitka Z.
Review for Sloneek Finally we have all our document in one online database! ☺I personally do not have the experience with an integration into our processes but currently I appreciate the most about the software that it is really user friendly, support for customers is really extraordinary, always fast and helpful. I really enjoy that most of the features are clear to me and if not, there is a chat and person ready to help! ☹There is one small thing, I would appreciate if the capacity of the software for uploading new documents is bigger. (Documents with more pages cannot be uploaded and we have to make them smaller in another software which takes additional time.)
Michaela N.
Sloneek is a big help when it comes to HR management. Sloneek is fun. Being in HR, we always appreciate fast, structured and nice communication of Sloneek team. Our insights, comments and feedback on some functionalities are always accepted by Sloneek as a challenge or stimulus for improvement. Sloneek and us got along nicely, and even though we sometimes complain, we like it ☺We mostly appreciate the fact that this system puts together attendance, asset management and guidelines. Colleagues are able to see the org chart and other colleagues' contacts. System is user friendly and easy to navigate. ☹We like everything because we have the ability to use only the modules that we want. We pay for each module separately and that is a big advantage.
Useful for mid-size business Overall I am happy with Sloneek product and the customer service, they respond to our queries quickly and are very willing to help. They are able to tailor features to our company needs and personalise their service. ☺Our employees find Sloneek intuitive and simple to use. The video and screen shot instructions are helpful. We use the attendance and absence recording feature and reports, which are most impactful in my job as HR specialist. We use the "on call" and "overtime" tracking feature from Sloneek in conjunction with other systems and although it took a some time to integrate with API, it now works really well and we are pleased with the system. ☹When I set up a new absence - such as an offsite team building course I have to approve each person's absence from the office and attendance to the course individually rather than being able to create a group and apply features (such as team leader approval) to this group. This is hard work if we have an event for the whole company - up to 100 employees!
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“So Sloneekom som spokojný, jeho zavedenie malo veľký pozitívny vplyv na moju prácu manažéra ľudských zdrojov. Naši zamestnanci považujú Sloneeku za intuitívny a jednoduchý nástroj na používanie. Funkciu sledovania "pohotovosti" a "nadčasov" od spoločnosti Sloneek používame v spojení s inými systémami a hoci integrácia API zabrala nejaký čas, teraz funguje naozaj dobre a so systémom sme spokojní.“

MKolarova MARKÉTA KOLÁŘOVÁ HR špecialista | Showmax

“"Okrem iného sa nám veľmi páči, že máme možnosť používať len tie moduly, ktoré chceme. Za každý modul platíme zvlášť, čo je veľká výhoda.“

MNemcova MICHAELA NEMCOVÁ Personálny manažér | Pharmservice

“Sloneek nám pomohol rýchlo sprehľadniť a usporiadať správu ľudských zdrojov našej rýchlo rastúcej spoločnosti. Keď sme si nevedeli rady, tím podpory spoločnosti Sloneeka bol rýchly a nápomocný. Oceňujeme aj neustále zlepšovanie aplikácie, aby lepšie a flexibilnejšie reagovala na požiadavky veľmi dynamických zmien, ktoré prežívame:)“

Rectangle 1 Josef Šachta Generálny riaditeľ a spoluzakladateľ

“Ľahko sa používa, naši zamestnanci ho radi používajú a má skvelú a rýchlu podporu. Celkovo som spokojný administrátor a používateľ.“

DanielBoda Daniel Boďa Prevádzkový riaditeľ | Hyperia

“Sloneek je používateľsky veľmi prívetivá aplikácia. Prenos údajov bol veľmi hladký a rýchly. Modul Absence sme mohli začať používať v priebehu niekoľkých dní. Je veľmi intuitívny, používateľ nepotreboval žiadne školenie. Tím Sloneeka vykonáva časté aktualizácie a upgrady a pridáva nové funkcie na základe návrhov klientov. Zákaznícky servis reaguje na naše otázky okamžite.“

Sona Bezanyi SONIA BEZÁNYI HR Generalist | Savills
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Vyskúšajte Sloneekna 14 dní úplne zadarmo

  • Nie je potrebné zadávať kreditnú kartu
  • Získate prístup ku všetkým funkcionalitám
  • Pomôžeme vám s onboardingom i nastavením
  • 7 z 10 si vybralo Sloneeka
Sme tu pre vás

Môžeme vám pomôcť?

Naši odborníci vám odpovedia na všetky otázky, prevedú vás systémom Sloneek a pomôžu vám transformovať vaše HR na moderné komplexné riešenie.

  • Špičkový onboarding
  • Predstavenie všetkých funkcionalít
  • Prezentácia a ponuka vášmu HR na mieru
  • Odpovieme na všetky otázky
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Zanechajte nám kontakt, ozveme sa vám.